10.30pm - wash face, hands and legs, apply lotion, change to pyjamas
10.45pm - lights off
10.50pm - Mama, I want water !
11.00pm - Mama, my eyes itchy. I want handkerchief !
11.10pm - Mama, I want shee shee !
11.15pm - Mama, my bum bum itchy !!!
11.20pm - Mama, I want water !
11.30pm - Asleep, finally !!!
From 10.45pm - 11.30pm, I fell asleep thrice but her royal highness woke me up and I had to attend to her needs. So, now I am bright as a lark, can't fall asleep again !
This routine sounds familiar right ?
I start digging up project that I need to do and top on my list is learning how to download my video camera. The last video I took of her was on Aug 08 , our Langkawi trip. I look back and realise she has grown so much, just a year ago, she was so so much still a baby.
I hope to get all my videos up fast. I need to catch more of her moments before she starts putting on make up, wear high heels and lipstick and don't wanna annoy Mama at bedtime anymore !!!!