I found a better means of recycling. I send all my stuff to Tesco. At the Ampang outlet, there's a recycling center managed by a group of parapelgics. The returns many be menial but I'm doing it for a good cause. I get to recycle my stuff and I am helping others make a living. The center belongs to Tesco but they sub-contract it out to a parapelgic society. I didn't ask which though. Anyway, never mind.
10am - 1opm, 7 days a week.
Our loaded MPV. There's more stuff in front too.
The 3 guys manning the center. They have a very good worksystem. Due to his immobility, the guy on the wheelchair does the calculation and payment while the other 2 guys will help with weighing and segregation of items with hubs and me helping out.
Their rates. You get nothing for glass but it's better than letting it heap up our wastedump. Imagine how many bottles of soya sauce, ketchup, sauces you consume a year ?
All in all for about > 90kg of recyclable rubbish, I got RM12 !! Better than nothing right ? And for a good cause too.