When she was down with HFMD and on home quarantine for 1 week, no one (esp friends with kids) would come near us and I don't blame them coz HFMD is highly contagious.
So, what did we do ? Had a HFMD gathering with other HFMD affected children lah... :) We didn't want to risk bringing Amber to crowded places so we met up at a open air Mamak for breakfast. It's our regular spot when we don't have any particular place to go. The surroundings pretty nice, we had breakfast under some trees, enjoying the early morning breeze.
2 couples, 2 recovering-from-HFMD-child ... enjoying breakfast together. We shared notes on our kids ulcers, blisters, sleepless nights, pain etc...
Amber .. my sweet little fart. She has lost weight after being ill for a week. I call her "super sau mang kai"
Sweet sweet Sharon.. always with good apetite but that morning, she refused milk and everything else because the ulcers in her mouth hurts and her lips were dry and cracking
A snapshot from our table. I like the hillview ... serene, green and peaceful :)