My Ramblings

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Lap Chun is the start of spring and with reasonings, the year of Snake would when Spring begins and not on the first of Chinese New Year.

This year, lap chun begins on 4 Feb 2013, before the start of Lunar New Year. To welcome lap chun, we'll buy a new pot of plant/flower and also bank in some money to our bank account --- that's also to signify 'money flowing into bank account' all year round too.

We've had 'kat chai' for the past few years and I've planted them to the ground for better growth.

This year, I wanted a kumquat plant. Looks similiar but the fruits are elongated with very thick rind and hardly any flesh. Kumquats  makes wonderful jams  and candies and if it's sweet, it's very tangy to eat too.

Unfortunately, we hunted around our area and only one nursery had kumquat. This wasn't a very good year for kumquats and therefore not many nursery is selling it. There was only 2 pots left and we chose one that was acceptable looking.

I spruced it up a bit with ribbon curls and it looks very fancy in my patio :

Can't wait to root it to my garden, prune and snip away and wait for more edible fruits to bear.

Kumquat jam, kumquat soda.... so many things I wanna do with the kumquats !!!