Hope I've not missed out anything ...
For myself, I've packed :
-toiletries survival kit (creams, face wash, toothbrush)
-2 change of clothings
-mini towels
-disposable sanitaries and undies
For baby M, she has :
-3-4 change of clothing, mostly Amber's
-receiving blanket. .. same one that Amber used
-hats, mittens, booties and cloth for wrapping navel
-disposable diapers
For hubs, he has :
- Starbucks tumbler.. to fill up his coffee and I'm sure both of us will be needing it much. RM2 saved with each purchase
If all goes well as planned, Amber might room in with us and I'll have to pack another bag for her - sleeping bag, change of clothing, pyjamas, snacks etc.
I'm pleased with the hospital I'll be checking into as there's ample food choices for hubs, me and Amber. I don't look forward to hospital menu and I can always send hubs down to pick up a donut or bread for me :D