My Ramblings

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Thursday, April 22, 2010

To amberong - 23 April 2006

emailed - end May 2006
event - 23 April 2006

Hello Amber,

On morning of 23rd April, Sunday, they did a blood test on you for your jaundice and Dr Yong Sin Chuen examined you again before discharging us. You had slight jaundice, nothing alarming but we just have to sun you a little at home each morning. Your previous day's blood test result came back and you are 0+ve, same as mummy.

Uncle Jeremy came to see mummy and advised me to breastfeed you as much as possible and recommended to supplement with formula - Snow P7 if breaskmilk was not enough. He said I'm well enough to be discharged.

We were discharged from the hospital in, afternoon. It's actually your papa's birthday, so both your birthdays are very close together, only one day apart. Sometimes I wonder maybe you are god's gift to papa for his birthday.

We went home, picked up some stuff before going to Kong Kong's house where we'll be staying for 2 weeks. Papa set up the baby cot for you and I tried nursing you. Mummy was very worried as you don't seem to be getting enough milk, so we gave you some water and Snow.

This is your first night at Kong Kong's home. GrandAunt Chee Looi came immediately to see you and they said you are very 'cute' !

Bye for now , my dear....