Rollcall. All participating parents and children queuing up at 8.30am.
Then the first bus arrives. Kids scream with glee.. big schoolbus.. big schoolbus
Within 20 minutes, we arrive at our destination.
Planeterium Negara
Before we went in, we took a group photo. Major chaos.. getting the kids to line up in rows and obey. I've blurred the photo but just to show how big the group is... all in all, teachers, assistants, parents and kids, we have about 100pax
The Planetarium is quite small and that's good when you have such a big crowd, easier to control and do roll calls. Amber was having her own fun and not sticking to me at all but I kept an eye on her. Parents who join the event have to mind their own kids.
Spacecraft control panel ? Not too sure myself :(
Our Angkasawan
Kids were treated to a 3 dimensional movie in this theater with 3D effects (fisheye view kinda screen). We watched "Fly Me To The Moon' .. a short 15-20 minute clip on some insects who found their way up a spacecraft and tumpang the astonauts ride up up the moon.
Few kids cried, too overwhelming too see something up so close. Amber was also scared and sticked very very close to me.
Then we left for the Deer Park, all within the vicinity of Taman Tasik Perdana. A quick stopver just to feed the deers.
Hello ... ... I am a one horn deer !
All deers are chip tagged.
More deers
You can see here.. the farm is not very well maintained.. Barely any information boards to explain about deers, their habitats, diet, etc.
Then we took a tram ride going round and round the Lake Gardens.
Amber caused much embarrassment when she shouted "Why so hot ? Why no air-cond wan ???" LOL !
As part of the excursion package, we were all treated to lunch at McDonalds :
Finally, AIR-COND !!! .... .... .... and tomato ketchup !
Parents had this :
It was really a fun experience for her and mummy as well, esp getting to know her teacher and principal better and exchanging motherhood experiences with other moms. One thing for sure, seeing how much hassle the teachers had to work on to make the trip a success, I will never want to be a kindie teacher .. .. .. LOL !!!!