But then, on one occasion at Genting with my brother and his family, we bumped into this 'kiasu lady' who shouted at her child to run faster to be in queue for the next ride. My niece Sharlene and Amber got there first tho.. and she went on and on scolding her kid for not running fast enough. "You see... ask you to be faster .. you so slow.. you see ! YOU see ! YOU SEE !!!!! "
My sis in law was observing nearby (I was in toilet), sniggering and later told me about this 'kiasu lady' and when she came by, SIL, points her out to me.
I saw something and I couldn't stop laughing.. LOL !!!!
It took me a while to catch a snap of her discreetly, without her noticing .
Here she is :
She has a 'rotan' (cane) in her bag. OMG ! What kinda mom would bring a rotan on an outing ? She even brings it along to Genting Highland Themepark ! LOL ! !!!
Me and SIL had a real GOOD LAUGH !!!!!!!!!!!!