Hubs friends and his side of the family came over on Friday. Being maidless now, I scaled down my cooking this year. I cooked some meesiam, kunyit chicken, konyyaku jelly and ngorhiang/springrolls/lorbak .. or how you may like to call it.. I searched for a recipe early Friday morning before hitting the market.. exciting eh.. luckily it turned out alright, altho maybe a little salty coz I didn't know beancurd lorbak skins are that salty !
Hubs packed some satay to add to my limited menu and we had a roaring good time ..
BIL came with a couple of good wine ...
Amber was busy tearing her room down with Yuen Wen cheh cheh. I completely forgot to feed her dinner, in the midst of my busy-ness.. 0h - oh.. bad mummy here but she was engrossed in having fun with her cousin, she didn't ask for food at all.
A little bits and pics of what we had :
See the C2 drink ? My guests prefer that to any other drinks.
Everyone helping themselves. Luckily they helped me to clean up too (maidless now mah... LOL !)
Tiger year.. .. .. .. must drink :
Cheers !
Then BIL burnt a few sticks of fireworks for the kids ..
The kids fed the fishes :
Gong Xi Fa Cai ! Xin Nien Kuai Ler.. Wan Xi Ru Yi !!