She caught me by surprise one day with her "See Mummy, See" call.
If you've been with Amber, you'd know my attention seeking child is always asking me to see, hear and look at her until it's almost impossible to get something done without her interruption.
If you've been with Amber, you'd know my attention seeking child is always asking me to see, hear and look at her until it's almost impossible to get something done without her interruption.
This 'See Mummy, See ! Look' call is worth noting.
She took a plastic bag, strapped it on her arms but did some twist. I forgot how she twist the plastic bag but it was firm and tight enough not to fall off. She made a bib and said it's good to wear when she's eating to catch her falling food..
or when she feels like vomitting she has a ready bag.. *faint*
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Happy Weekend !