My Ramblings

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bread Bread Bread - Yeast Free !!!!!!!

I was delighted when Irene shared her new discovery of yeast free bread with me. Her daughter Victoria and Amber are both allergic to yeast. That's a big thing for a growing up kid. That means no bread, buns, cream crackers, fatt kou, ma lai kou or any other kueh that's spongy! No bread - the comfort food when sick. No bread - to go with peanut butter. Simply no bread. Can you imagine life without bread ? Something so basic and simple ?

and for Amber, who lurvvvess Marmite yeast extract, it's torturing. I had to chuck away our big jar of Marmite to the bin when we discovered her allergy.

I quickly made my way to  Woods Macrobiotics Hanspeter Biobackerei to check their spread of offers ! I got some donuts, an pan bun and packs of dairy free soya chocolate. Amber loves the chocolate milk (soy version) treat and she polished the donut the same night :

 cinnamon donut
 red bean bun

Thanks Irene for sharing the discovery. Amber can now eat donuts and lots more food. No more boring rice cracker for her break time :D