My Ramblings

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cheong Sam - the traditional outfit

I think cheong sam is a very elegant outfit and everyone should have a chance to wear one. 

This year, she had 3 new cheongsam outfits. 2 from me and another from her uncle. She and cheh cheh will wear the same cheong sam that their uncle bough for them on Day 1 CNY.

The kindie had a pre-CNY celebration last Friday and I put on a red cheongsam for Amber. I had to remind her to sit gracefully and cross her legs sideways when she sits on the floor and never never to wipe her dirty mouth with the cheongsam !

A half awake Amber here..  wishing you Gong Xi Fa Cai ! Xin Nien Kuai Le !