Last August, I had a filling redone. Nothing wrong with the filling but a bit worn out and I thought might as well just redo it and it's a start of a long series of problems.
After the refill, the whole upper tooth was very sensitive, cannot bite at all and sometimes, bits of food gets stuck, ie sesame seed and I accidentally grind on it ... very very painful.
Hubs keep telling me new fillings are like that, they'll wear out in a few wks and it will only get better.
But it did not !
I tahan until last month , went back to the same dentist. She claims my enamel has corroded and part of the dentyne is exposed, causing the sensitiveness. I just have to live with it ????
Tak tahan, I went to another dentist @ Sg Wang, reputable, reliable but very expensive. She spent 30 minutes trying to re-grind the filling, reduce the contact with the lower teeth, added some medicine to de-sensitize the teeth. If this works, I have to go back for a couple of sessions to apply the medicine. Sien sei ! Sien Sei ! Really sien sei ! and very nga toong, from paying for the dental sessions !
I have to apply this 'mousse' everynight before I sleep. Was using Sensodyne but dentist #2 asked me to stop. Sensodyne is not mean to be ingested for long term. GC Tooth Mousse = RM55 per tube. Nga toong or not ???
Don't we all dread visits to dentist ?
Don't we all dread visits to dentist ?