My Ramblings

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


My morning routines are quite a rush. He wakes up, I wake up and the moment she wakes up, everything comes to a stop. Amber will whine and cry to be carried and doesn't want to change pyjamas, don't want water, milk ... yada.. yada.. yada..

Nowadays, I just pack her to the babysitters, in pyjamas, diapers and all. Teruk huh ?

My breakfast in the office consist of food from mamak next door, bread /coffee or cookies /coffee. Both hubs and I are coffee fanatics. That's how I came up with my blog name too :)

For the whole week, I've been having my Riva Gold coffee and daily 'fei sei' dose of Gardenia Butterscotch. Mother in law recommend me this Brazilian coffee and I'm hooked. Take it sugar free, just a scoop of coffee + 3 scoops of Coffeemate ... mmmm.... yumz.

Riva has very low acidity level, no strong aftertaste. It's crisp and smooth. I'm ditching away my Nescafes and Ipoh Old Towns and no more expensive cafe coffees
Try it, available at Carrefour and Tescos.