I was also hunting for my Gardenia Butterscotch but was sold out again (tried Giant, 7-11 and sundry shops, all SOLD OUT!)
Everytime we go toilet, she'll insist on the following hand washing routine :
-pump soap
-make lather
-rinse hand, must rinse till clean clean
-dry hands with blower.
Seems like an ordinary task right ? NOT SO, when you have to carry her to do all of the above and mind the shoppings and handbag, and I hate those washing taps that you to press real hard for water flow, how can I press and carry her at the same time ? Sudah press, I carry her, water flow stop, then I press again, carry her, water stop again. Aarrghh .. my legs and backbone also senget !
Above was taken at Jusco's toilet. I appreciate their mini wc for children, all I have to do is press the water and even have time to take snap a picture of my precious!