I made a jar of ginger pickles to dish up with the creamy centrury eggs that my sis got for me from Singapore. Malaysia's century egg sucks. Bland and, well, bland.
Apparently, eggs and it's by-products are controlled items and since there's an abundance of egg supplies in Malaysia, import of eggs, salted eggs and century eggs are not permitted.
I love the Yung Kee century eggs from Hong Kong but I can't always get a supply unless some dear friends holiday abroad and remembers me :0)..
I make do with the pei dan from across the causeway and with my own homemade ginger.. it's as good as it gets.
No fixed recipe here but just clean up the ginger, slice with mandolin or vegetable slicer, seep in a sprinkle of salt for an hour, throw away ginger juice (or keep for curry) and pickle in boiled and cooled vinegar syrup ( 1 portion vinegar : 1 portion sugar)
The mango pickles is absolutely yummy and it's not spicy, a great pick me up when I reach home dead tired and pooped out. Instructions the same except, pickle in 1 portion water : 1 portion sugar.
Oh yeah... my kitchen is busy again :D