I was half worried having another dr deliver her...
Good girl baby...
Her growth has slowed down a bit. At Wk 37, her weight was 3.1kg whereas my total body weight has not increased. That means mommy has been losing weight.
I'm on home rest now as per doctors advise. Walking is a chore I feel like being dragged now by a heavy bowling ball. At home, I am able to lie down whenever I have BH contractions and I get to spend more time with Amber too.
We're expecting her arrival anytime soon and I've been hearing horrors about second babies arriving too soon... too soon for epidurial. I'm all set for epi and I don't want that to happen.
The other option is to induce and that's a big decision to make as induction comes with it's own risks and pains.
We did the final shopping for baby's room, getting a new coconut husk mattress for the pack and play. The bedsheet will be looped over only upon baby's arrival.
Confinement herbs, wine and bath is ready and so is confinement lady. Prompted her on baby's arrival anytime soon and she's waiting.
I also bought a new Avent manual breast pump. The old one's mouldy and past it's age. Been toying around the breast pumps available in the market and couldn't decide between Avent or Spectra. .I finally decided on a Avent manual because I know it works for me. If needed, we can always get another Spectra electric pump later.
Be good baby.. be good to mummy... arrive safely and calmly :D